An Unsightly Addition
Since she moved in and had the wheelchair ramp installed, Angela and her husband Garrett had never heard any complaints from their neighbors about the wheelchair ramp. After all, they knew that it was an essential part of Angela's life and that it would take away a huge chunk of her freedom if she didn't have the ability to get in and out of the building with ease. But the new president of the HOA didn't see it that way.
Instead, he saw it as an unsightly addition to the building, and he didn't want the aesthetics of the place being ruined by something that looked so big and bulky.
Fighting Back
When Angela received the letter from the HOA demanding that she remove her ramp, she refused. She wasn't going to remove the accessible ramp that allowed her to get into her own building, and she vowed to fight back against the HOA. But what she didn't anticipate was that the new president and his team would also fight back in their own way. In fact, just a few days she found out that the HOA had put a lien on her home.
With this lien in place, the HOA noted that they had grounds to take the property away from Angela and Garrett - and the couple couldn't believe what they were hearing.
Considering Their Options
Angela and Garrett just didn't know what to do. At first, Angela asked her husband to remove the ramp and store it inside their home for when they needed it next. But Garrett understood just how essential that ramp was to his wife's life and freedom of movement, and this wasn't something that he even wanted to consider. So, he left it in place - until Angela made him aware of the lien.
With this lien in place, they were potentially going to lose the place that they had called home for the past decade. They felt as though they were in-between a rock and a hard place.
Was It Worth It?
On the one hand, Angela and Garrett wanted to fight back against the HOA. Their neighbors had never had any issues with the wheelchair ramp despite it sitting there for ten years, so why did this new HOA president think he could just take it away? They didn't want to stand for it, but they were also scared of the repercussions. They didn't want to push back so much that they were left homeless and in an even worse situation.
Because of this, the couple had to devise a plan that would work in their favor, instead of allowing their home to fall into the hands of the wrong people.
A Big Powerhouse
Angela and Garrett knew that they couldn't push the HOA's buttons too much. They had a huge amount of money and power behind them where the couple did not, and they knew it would be all too easy for the HOA to take their own revenge up a notch. So, while Garrett was all for fighting back against the HOA and their attempts to remove his wife's wheelchair ramp, Angela wasn't so sure.
She knew that the removal of her wheelchair ramp would change her life for the worse and make life even more difficult, but she knew that the HOA also had the tools to make her life even worse than that.
Both Sides of the Fence
Angela and Garrett were on both sides of the fence. On the one side, Garrett wanted to size up against the powerful people at the HOA and prove to them that they couldn't take a necessary wheelchair ramp away from a wheelchair-bound woman just because they didn't like the look of it. On the other hand, Angela couldn't bear the thought of angering the HOA even more. She wanted to stay in her home, after all.
As they weighed up their options, Angela knew that they needed to find a middle-ground that allowed them to fight for their rights without angering the HOA in the process. But then Garrett did something that scuppered that plan.
Sticking up for Her
Although Garrett understood where his wife was coming from, he didn't appreciate being threatened by the HOA. He couldn't believe that they would threaten to take away their home if they didn't comply with their despicable request, and he wasn't going to stand for it. So, although Angela continuously asked him to let it go and remove the ramp while fighting the HOA in the background, nothing could stop Garrett's train of thought.
One morning, he decided to put the plan he had been brewing in his mind into action. But what was he going to do? Angela was about to find out.
Was It Too Late?
When Angela woke up in the morning, she was surprised to see that Garrett wasn't sleeping by her side like he normally was. This was unusual for the couple, as Angela was typically the early riser, while Garrett preferred to get a few extra minutes of sleep. Immediately, Angela knew that something was wrong. Garrett would never willingly wake up before her if it wasn't for something important, and she began to wonder if it had something to do with the HOA.
Angela's mind immediately jumped to the worst conclusion, and she worried that her husband had gotten out of bed to confront the HOA once and for all. Was it too late to catch him?
An Unusual Sight
When Angela made her way out of bed and to the kitchen, she expected Garrett to be missing. What she didn't anticipate was the unusual sight in front of her. After all, Garrett was making breakfast for their daughter Mary as though he didn't have a care in the world. When Angela sat down, he even placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of her as well, and she was confused.
The situation in the kitchen was too good to be true and too suspect after the discussions they had been having the night before. She knew Garrett must have had an ulterior motive.
Sweetening the Deal
Garrett never made breakfast, which made Angela raise her eyebrows and ask her husband what was really going on. Although he tried to deny any ulterior motive, Garrett eventually caved and told his wife that he just wanted to make her something for breakfast before he left the house for the day. But this raised even more red flags or Angela. Where was he going? What was he going to do?
When Angela asked her husband these same questions, Garrett told her not to worry, but that he was going to go and have a face-to-face conversation with the people who wanted to remove her ramp.
The Best Solution
Although Angela wanted to be annoyed with her husband, she knew in the back of her mind that something needed to be done. If they just sat back and let it happen, she would be without a wheelchair ramp and would have no way to leave her house on her own. So, she hoped that Garrett would speak to them in a way that they would understand and change their mind about the ramp.
Of course, it seemed like the best solution in theory. But she knew how hot-headed her husband could be, and the last thing she wanted was for Garrett to make the situation worse.
Laying Low
Of course, part of her still wished that they would do nothing about the situation. She didn't want anything they did to make their problems even worse, and she still wondered whether laying low and waiting for the whole thing to blow over would work in their best interests instead. After all, she was sure that the HOA had bigger fish to fry than a small wheelchair ramp at the front of one of their buildings.
Plus, this wasn't the first time that the couple had experienced the wrath of the HOA. But the last time they had issues, they simply moved on as they had other issues to solve.
He Wasn't Convinced
Although Garrett appreciated where his wife was coming from, he wasn't one to stand to the side while injustice was being served. He had watched his wife struggle on so many occasions when there wasn't a wheelchair ramp easily accessible, and the last thing that he wanted was for her to experience the same struggles getting into her own home. It was of paramount importance to keep that wheelchair ramp in place.
He knew that there was a possibility that his face-to-face encounter with the HOA would make things worse, but ultimately, he thought that the risk would be well worth it.
Fighting a Battle
Although Garrett was ready to head out of the door and fight back against the HOA right there, he also didn't want to upset his wife. He didn't want to do anything that would upset Angela or anything that would put him in her bad books. So, as much as he wanted to race out and talk to them face-to-face, he decided to take heed and listen to what his wife had to say.
Perhaps he was making a rash decision? Maybe he should think about it more? Whatever the case, they needed to come up with a compromise that would suit both of them.
Angela's Choice
After much debate and deliberation, Angela's choice won. Although Garrett wasn't happy about it, she decided that the couple would comply with the HOA's request and remove the wheelchair ramp from the building. She hoped that by complying with their request, the HOA would be more open to a discussion and to find a middle ground that worked best for everyone involved. Unfortunately, this didn't exactly work the way that she planned.
Although Angela thought that she was doing the right thing by doing what the HOA wanted of her, the reality was that things only got worse as the weeks went by.
Things Got Worse
Anyone who has ever lived in a HOA area will know just how difficult and scary these people can be. They can change your housing situation with just a few choice words and an official letter, and that's what Angela worried about most. Of course, she'd complied with their request and removed the wheelchair ramp, but she still felt as though she was doing something wrong. And she was right.
As the weeks went by, she had no idea that the HOA were secretly keeping tabs on her and her movements. And then, she received another letter than changed everything.
Trapped in Her Home
In Angela's eyes, she had trapped herself in her own home. By removing the wheelchair ramp from their building, she had no way to get in and out of her house if she was by herself - which was a problem when she worked from home, and Garrett didn't. If Angela wanted to get out, she needed to call upon a neighbor to put the ramp down, and there was no guarantee that they would be in.
In the end, Angela realized that it was easier to simply stay inside and deal with the consequences of the HOA's demands. But the trapped feeling just got worse and worse. She'd completely lost her independence.
A Prisoner
Garrett could see that Angela felt like a prisoner in her own home. He hated the fact that he couldn't be at home all the time to help her with the ramp, and he just didn't know what to do. He wanted to go back to the HOA and put them in their place and demand that they put the ramp back, but he knew that would be going against his wife's wishes. So, what was he to do?
He couldn't just leave his wife as a prisoner in her own home for the rest of their lives, and they couldn't afford to move. But he felt lost, too, and couldn't decide on his next move.
Feeling Suffocated
Thankfully, Angela also began to realize that this new life wasn't working for her. She was feeling more and more suffocated by the day and realized that she hadn't appreciated having the freedom of a wheelchair ramp enough. Although she tried to focus on her work and simply get on with her day, she missed being able to go outside and get some fresh air whenever she felt like it.
She just didn't know what to do, though. They only had limited space in their home, and it wasn't like she could simply wheel around in circles all day. So, she came up with a solution.
Taking to the Halls
In an effort to get away from the same four walls, Angela decided to open up her front door and wheel herself around the hallways of her building. She asked her neighbors whether they minded her doing so, and they all understood her plight and allowed her to do whatever she pleased. In her mind, she wasn't doing anything wrong - she was simply making the best of a bad situation.
But it wasn't long before the HOA reared their heads once again, as word of her antics had got back to them. And then she received another serious email from them.
Constant Harrassment
It wasn't just emails, though. Angela also woke up to letters from the HOA on a daily basis, and every time they accused her of disturbing the peace in her building and annoying the neighbors. She was at a loss for words, and couldn't believe what she was reading. What was she supposed to do? The HOA had made it so she couldn't leave the building, and now she couldn't wander around the halls?
Despite Angela telling the HOA that she had received permission from her neighbors to roll around the halls, this just didn't seem like enough for them. It seemed as though they wanted to make her life a misery.
A Tough Breakdown
With the continuous harassment from the HOA, Angela felt as though she had no option but to lock herself away in her home and not leave. She woke up, she worked from home, and then she went to bed - and she repeated that on a day-to-day basis. But not being able to go outside or do anything outside of her home soon took a toll on the woman, and she had a tough breakdown a month later.
She couldn't take the possibility of being cooped up in her home for much longer, but she just didn't know what would help the situation. She was doing everything the HOA wanted, but she was so unhappy.
Anxiety Through the Roof
As well as feeling suffocated, she also began to suffer with extreme anxiety. She had no idea whether the HOA was watching her every move or whether they'd send her another email or letter threatening to take her home away, so she retreated in on herself. And while she tried to pull herself out of the situation and plaster a smile on her face, she couldn't be fake. After all, she was suffering more than she'd ever suffered before.
But in her anxious, depressed state, Angela just couldn't see a way out of her house. The only real option would be for them to move house, but this was easier said than done.
Needing to Do Something
As Garrett looked upon his wife, he barely recognized her. He knew that the lack of ramp and free movement was affecting her in ways that he would never fully understand, but it was clear from the look on her face and her general demeanor that she was suffering immensely. She was a shell of her former self, and he hated seeing her like that. So, he decided to suggest something.
Although his wife wouldn't be able to leave the house without outside help easily, she could still find comfort from the other people who lived in the building. Maybe that was the key?
Neighborly Help
Garrett suggested that Angela visit their neighbor, June. The two women had been extremely friendly over the years and had forged a deep connection - despite the fact that June was a few decades older than her. Without anything else to look forward to, Angela decided to take Garrett's advice and head to June's apartment. After all, she lived on the same floor as them so she could easily take herself over there.
Angela hadn't had much human interaction in the few months prior, so she was excited to have a conversation with someone new. She had no idea how much this conversation would change everything, though.
A New Perspective
To start with, Angela and June had a friendly catch-up. June made Angela a cup of tea, and they caught up on the comings and goings of their lives. Of course, it wasn't long before talk turned to the HOA and what Angela and Garrett had been forced to do - but June's reaction wasn't quite what Angela had expected. Sure, June was outraged as to what had happened, but she was also angry.

June immediately offered up a new perspective on the situation that they hadn't considered before. And it was this perspective that opened up a whole new door for the couple.
No Legal Standing
As an older woman with lots of experience under her belt, June was no stranger to dealing with powerful people and companies. She knew how some of these organizations took advantage of those underneath them and harassed them to the point that they felt that they couldn't fight back. However, June told Angela that the HOA had no legal standing in their situation. What they were doing and what they had done was unlawful.
As you can imagine, Angela was intrigued. And while she believed June, she also wanted to consult a lawyer to make sure that she really could take them to court and potentially win her case.
Talking to a Professional
When Angela left June's home, she went back with a newfound sense of hope. She had spent weeks locked up inside her home without any way of getting out, thanks to the HOA, and she finally felt as though she had the drive within her to fight. But would it even be possible? Although Angela was excited, the last thing she wanted was for her to get too ahead of herself.
So, she found the number of a reputable lawyer and decided to call them. She had no idea if it would help, but she had to at least try and fight.
A Long Explanation
When the lawyer answered the phone, Angela didn't know where to start. She had been through such a traumatic ordeal that she wanted to explain everything as best as she could - but it was a struggle. She got upset as she spoke to the lawyer, explaining how her mental health had suffered and how her neighbors had never had any issues with either her ramp or the fact that she roamed the building's hallways.
Thankfully, the lawyer was sympathetic. He couldn't believe what had happened to her and agreed that they had taken unlawful measures to take away her ramp. However, there was a slight problem.
Needing Proof
Angela was relieved to hear that there was some truth to what June had told her and that the HOA's actions had been unlawful. However, taking someone to court isn't as easy as it sounds, and the lawyer explained that they would need solid proof and evidence to take down the HOA. She began to wrack her brains and thought back to all of the emails and letters she had received from the HOA.
Surely, they would be evidence enough to fight back against the HOA in court? After all, they explicitly told her to remove her ramp from the property and to stop wheeling around the hallways.
Asking for Help
As Angela continued to speak to the lawyer, the more she was convinced that legal action was the right choice for them. But there was just one problem: lawyers don't come cheap. Not only would she need to cough up a huge amount of money for the lawyer to take on her case, but there was no guarantee that the man on the phone would even want to take on the case.
He was completely within his rights to turn down her request for help and focus on his other cases instead. But Angela hoped that the pain in her voice would be enough to win him over.
A Tough Case
The lawyer was certainly intrigued. On the one hand, he could tell that the woman on the other end of the line desperately needed his help and had nowhere else to turn. On the other hand, however, he knew that it would be a tough case. He knew of colleagues who had come up against the HOA before, and he knew that it wasn't easy. Their proof had to be solid, and they had to come up with a solid complaint.
In the end, the lawyer agreed to Angela's terms and told her that they needed to come up with proof that showed the HOA didn't help disabled people. So, she got to work.
Key Pieces of Proof
Although Angela was over the moon to learn that she had the lawyer on her case, she couldn't understand why the lawyer kept talking about proof. Then, she realized that she had left out a key piece of information when explaining the situation to the lawyer. In fact, she hadn't told the lawyer about any of the letters and emails she had received from the HOA, which were very crucial pieces of evidence.
So, Angela went home and gathered all of the letters and emails she had ever received from the HOA. She then put them in a folder and took them to the lawyer, intrigued to see his response.
What He Needed
As soon as the lawyer saw the letters and emails for himself, his whole perception of the situation changed. He was able to understand why Angela was so annoyed and so scared of the HOA, and he was able to finally see that they may indeed win the case. After all, the evidence against the HOA was damning as it proved that the HOA went out of their way to discriminate against a disabled person.
Not only was there proof of the ramp removal, but there was also proof of the noise complaint from when Angela wheeled herself around the hallways to get away from her four walls.
Connecting the Dots
Of course, winning a court case isn't as simple as presenting the judge with the evidence and celebrating with a bottle of champagne. The lawyer still had a lot of work to do connecting the dots and putting together a seamless case that couldn't be contested by the HOA and their legal team. So, he spent the next few weeks working closely with Angela and Garrett to get all of the information he needed.
The lawyer could plainly see that the HOA were guilty of discrimination, but he knew that the HOA wouldn't go down without a fight. So, he prepared himself for the worst.
A Big Relief
Having the lawyer on her side made all of Angela's struggles and sacrifices worth it. She finally had confirmation that the HOA had treated her unfairly and discriminated against her, and she finally had someone who was willing to fight for her in a way that would provide results. After all, she appreciated her husband's support in the matter - but she knew that Garrett's actions would have landed them in even more trouble.
Angela couldn't wait to take the HOA to court and see what they had to say for themselves, and she couldn't wait for the judge to see all of the evidence against them.
Going to Court
When the day finally came to head to court and take down the HOA, Angela was worried. Although she was confident that they had a great case against them, she was still concerned about the fact that her future and her home were in the hands of a judge she had never even met. Would they be on her side? Would they see the evidence for what it was? She just didn't know.
Thankfully, it soon became clear that the judge was on her side. And it didn't take her long to come to her decision and teach the HOA a lesson they'd never forget.
A Violation of Rights
As the judge spoke in front of Angela, Garrett, her lawyer, the HOA team, and the jury, she explained the rules that housing associations must follow. One of the biggest rules is making every building accessible and habitable for disabled people. This includes having disabled parking spaces and ramps for those in wheelchairs. If they don't offer these things, they are in violation of the law and need to be punished as a result.
From the evidence, it was clear to see that Angela's HOA had violated these laws on numerous occasions and made her life a living hell in the process. So, what happened next?
The Americans With Disabilities Act
What made Angela's case even more serious was the fact that the HOA were in direct violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which states that it's illegal and unlawful to discriminate against those with disabilities. What's more, it's even worse to discriminate against them in their own home and to take away their only chances of happiness. For Angela, that was being able to leave her building or simply roam the hallways.
Things were looking bad for the HOA, and the lawyer was convinced that the judge would punish them severely. All Angela had to do was wait patiently for the judge to reach her decision.
Receiving Compensation
All in all, it was a good result for Angela and her family. The judge wanted to make sure that the HOA learned their lesson and would never discriminate against anyone with disabilities ever again, so they forced them to remove the lien on her home and compensate Angela for the trouble that she experienced. After all, her life had been turned upside down and almost ruined by their actions.
With this money in her back pocket, Angela decided to seek revenge and ultimately opted to buy the house of the HOA president so that they couldn't inflict their wrath on anyone else.