1. The Perfect Apples For Calorie-Free Apple Pie

Have you ever wanted to enjoy the comforting goodness of apple pie, but then you remember how many calories each slice has? Well, these frozen apples are the perfect solution to this problem. They are zero calories, flavorless, and they completely ruin the pie once they melt in the oven. We aren't sure how these apple-shaped icicles formed, but they are like something straight from a Disney Movie. Usually, people say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but these might cost you a trip to the dentist if you bite into one.
2. Hold The Heavens In The Palm Of Your Hand

Is this like those things in the Men in Black movies where an entire universe fits inside a marble? It looks like you are peering into a stormy sky as it clears to reveal sunshine and rainbows. Who knows, there could be people inside of this. While it may not contain an entire universe, this glass marble or egg is handcrafted with the celestial design inside. It is incredible how a piece of art can spark all these ideas in our brains to imagine what is inside of it.
3. Someone Turned Off Her Color

This girl fully committed to the black and white version of Santa. She painted her entire face and neck so she could stand out from the crowd. It is like she is living in a black and white movie while the rest of the world is in technicolor. Santacon brings thousands of people to New York and Boston as people dress up like the lovable Christmas figure to day drink and get in the holiday spirit. This girl wins for originality because no one else thought to commit to a color palette like that.
4. These 37 Million Year Old Bones Revealed A Prehistoric Ocean That Is Now The Desert

When you think of the desert, you probably do not associate it with sea creatures like whales. One man was exploring in the Egyptian desert when he tripped over a rock, or so he thought. I turned out to be a piece of bone that was attached to this large skeleton buried in the sand. Scientists believe it is the skeleton of a whale, but how did it get in the middle of the desert when there is no water in sight? The region was once a prehistoric ocean, and the bones are about 37 million years old. That is quite the discovery for someone who thought he tripped on a rock.
5. "I Feel The Power Within!!"

Is this man finally receiving the entirety of his super strength? No, but that would have been pretty awesome. He could have been the next Superman or Mr. Incredible. However, he possesses incredible power that most people do not have. This is Lesman Paredes competing at the Junior World Weightlifting Championships. After he was able to lift this bar, he jumped for joy, and the photo was taken at the perfect moment.
6. Aren't Cruise Ships Supposed To Go In Water

This ship is known for its impeccable door-to-door service. They pick you up at the port and drop you right in front of your hotel on the mountain. It is impressive how this ship got onto land, but how does it get back to the sea? Someone didn't think that through. In actuality, this cruise ship is the Sun Cruise Hotel in Japan. The hotel looks like a boat, but never leaves the mountain top. It also has all the nautical features a real ship would have. This is such a unique idea that gives an interesting optical illusion.
7. An Ice Heart Perfect For A Marvel Villian

You never know what you are going to find when you go on a hike, and this person found the frozen heart of a movie villain. Everyone has the one person they hate in a movie, and you just assume they are cold inside like this icy heart. While this may not be the real heart of a movie villain, it is pretty amazing that someone found this in nature. The water froze around the rock, and our eyes imagined it at the human organ.
8. The Mysterious Case Of The Floating Telephone Pole

This pole must have a cloaking device attached to the base of it. How is it floating off the ground while still supporting the wires that are so important to the local community? If you take a closer look, you can see the bottom of the pole was burned off in a fire. Despite not being attached to the ground, the pole still stays in place. Now it is a ghostly reminder of a fire that blazed through the area.
9. Don't Go Into The Upside Down

Like the show Stranger Things, this forest looks like it has an identical world in the upside-down. The top is a vibrant and green with life, while the lower half is rusted and creepy where life cannot exist. Unfortunately, this is not a made-up realm, but there was a toxic waste spill in Hungary. The waste had high levels of aluminum that caused this red, rusted result on the bottom of the trees.
10. Sir, You Might Want To Move Out Of The Way There Is An Incoming UFO

Have you ever lied in the grass and gazed at the clouds while observing the shapes of the clouds? Usually, people see cats, dogs, or even a farm animal from time to time, but they normally don't look like UFOs. This looks like it's about to fly over the man and abduct him to bring him back to the mother ship in outer space. These types of clouds are known as lenticular clouds that don't usually float in the wind like other.
11. Cue The Jaws Theme Song With A Rock And Roll Twist

It seems that the men who were hunting jaws figured out a way to turn him to stone so he could never return to terrorize the sea. They caught him just as he was about to eat them, so he is immortalized in the attacking position. This could be the plot for the next shark movie. It is set in the arctic, and after millions of years, the megalodon is back and waiting for its next victim. That is one movie we would be excited to see. There have been so many bad shark movies, so they need to redeem the industry.
12. Spirit In The Sky

The volcano spirits have risen, and they are here to exact revenge on the earth. Ok, so maybe that's not the case, but it could happen one day, we don't know. Many light formations look extraterrestrial like the Northern Lights, and this is similar to that phenomena. One night, something caused these flares with red bolts that looked like lightning. People don't know why this happened, but it really does resemble spirits awakening in the night sky.
13. City In The Sky

Dubai is a city known for its incredible skyscrapers that look futuristic against the desert backdrop. Because the buildings are massive, the top floors seemingly disappear when clouds roll in. From below it must look like they disappear into the sky. That would be pretty interesting to see from one of the penthouses above the cloud line. The people who live there must feel like they are transported to a different planet whenever it is a cloudy day. It is like a scene out of a post-apocalyptic movie.
14. A Giant's Playground

Is this where giants come to cool off on a hot summer day? They leave the cover of their mountains to jump in the chilly ocean and hang out with their friends along the rocks? It's like something out of a fairytale that your parents read to you as a child. This is located in Ireland, and it's called Giant's Causeway because there is a legend that two giants were supposed to fight, but they got scared of each other's sizes and ended up fleeing. So the thought that giants come to play here is not that far off, considering that's how it got built.