What Are the Odds
Now, this is starting to get a little bit creepy. This soccer player doesn't just have one doppelganger, but according to this picture, he has two of them and he's not even aware of it. Somehow, this person managed to screenshot the exact moment these two players from opposing teams were standing next to each other, looking nearly identical. It literally looks like two twins decided to pursue a professional soccer career, in two opposing teams.
But that's not it. As incredible as that is, there is another guy sitting in the audience who looks exactly the same as both players. We wouldn't be surprised if the ref and the goalkeeper look the same, too.
This Dog Didn't Load All The Way
The internet is completely full of dog content, and we honestly cannot say that we hate it. Seriously, who doesn't love spending a bit of time looking at dog photos, funny dog videos, and fails? We're guilty as charged! But even for a dog content pro, this picture may come as a pleasant surprise to many of us. Something about it is so unique, that we may need a few seconds to believe that this is indeed a real dog.
The dog is simply standing behind the glass door with a pattern that makes it look like we're staring at a pixel pup instead of a real-life dog.
This Little Boy Travelled Into The Future
This little boy seems to have found their older version on a random day taking a stroll with their mom at Costco. We really do ask ourselves, what are the chances? How on earth is it possible for two unrelated people to wear the exact same outfit made from two pretty unique items, on the very same day and location? There must be a deeper explanation to what we're seeing.
Thankfully, this boy's mom managed to snap a shot of the bizarre moment, capturing both the little boy and the old man as evidence that someone out there really is messing with us.
This Tree Looks Like It's Pixelated
Who would have thought that there is a tree with leaves out there that looks like a real-life blurry situation? Without knowing the background behind this picture, one could think that we're simply looking at a bad shot taken by blurred lens. But in this case, it is not the camera that makes things look blurry, it is the tree itself. The Rising Sun Redbud tree is part of a variety of eastern rebud trees that are extremely popular in some places around the world.
The tree has the ability to shine like a total beacon of beauty in any landscape and usually looks this way during the spring season.
When You Match the Sign on the Door
While some places in the world do an okay job in including handicapped people, most places are hardly even trying. Sadly, a lot of people don't have access to places and services only because of their disability, which means we all need to do better in being inclusive and creating inclusive spaces. However, when this guy was about to use the restroom he noticed something unusual about the door sign.
The sign seemed to have been broken, but only where the character had legs. That's when he realized that the broken sign simply matched his own disability, so naturally, he had to pose next to it,
This Guy Found His Twin During A Hockey Game
It must be hard to find someone who looks exactly the same as we do, without thinking there is more to it than meets the eye. Take this guy, for instance. He had just gone to a hockey game with his friends and wasn't planning on experiencing anything too eventful, apart from the game, of course. But then, he noticed something strange. When he looked up, he realized that a guy who was sitting alone a couple of rows behind him looked strangely similar to him.
Though he was wearing a different colored shirt, he had almost the exact same pair of glasses, the same haircut, and even the same beard. That was certainly a moment to remember.
Where Did the Rest of It Go
Okay, this is another one of those pictures that some of us may never understand, and we'll just have to live with it. No matter how much we stare at it, if we're not familiar with the science behind it, there is simply no way we'll get to the bottom of this. Yet, people on Reddit have come up with different theories behind the reason why this cup looks like it's being swallowed by the table.
Probably the most popular one is nothing more than the fact that this college has tables with built-in cup holders. That way, half of this cup is basically in an invisible cup holder.
Maybe They're Having the Same Dream Too
There is just something so fascinating about two people looking exactly the same, dressing the exact same way, and doing the same thing in the very same place. The resemblance is simply too uncanny, and the coincidence seems way too good to be true. This person had to take a picture of this mind-blowing subway ride because they too didn't know how to react to the strange, seemingly impossible coincidence.
Somehow, these two managed to sit behind one another and proceeded to fall asleep in the same position at the same time. They look like someone copy and pasted them!
When You All Shop at the Same Store
This one is not so much about people looking the same, but more about people wearing exactly the same shirt way too many times in one day. This group of friends could not help but laugh when they realized that the woman sitting behind this guy was wearing exactly the same shirt as he was. So of course, they needed to capture the moment and take the photo on the left.
But then, the woman left, and an hour later someone else took her sit. Believe it or not, it was a random man wearing that very shirt. There must have been a huge sale somewhere!
When Someone Told This Guy He Would "Find Himself" In Thailand
Thailand is just one of those magical countries that have the ability to completely change someone's life. It is a favorite destination for many, especially for young travelers from all over the world who like to explore the magical and surprisingly affordable paradise that is Thailand. Before this guy went on his trip someone gave him a piece of cryptic advice. They just looked at him and said "you will find yourself in Thailand."
He shrugged and went on with his trip, wondering what that could possibly mean. But then, during a hike, he literally found himself when he bumped into his long-lost doppelganger.
They Must Be Long Lost Sisters
This person thought they were taking another mundane train ride when they saw the strangest thing ever. Once they found their seat, they realized that the woman sitting in front of them had a very distinct look. She has a serious expression on her face, and could possibly have been napping. But then, this person realized she had an identical twin sitting across from them. They even had a similar scarf wrapped around their neck!
They both had the same expression, same face shape, glasses, and hair. If they're not sisters, they should at least go shopping together!
Double Vision
At first glance, many of us will probably think that there is no way in the whole world that this picture is real. Either these two women staged it, or there is some sort of photoshop situation going on to create this scene. And yet, according to this Reddit user, this picture is the real deal. These two women did sit right next to each other, while looking exactly the same.
They have the same hair, same clothes, the same pair of glasses, and of course, they are reading the same newspaper. If we managed to get a little bit closer, chances are that they are also reading the same page, who knows?
This Picture Of The Charles River Looks Like Two Different Photos
This person should most definitely give themselves a tap in the back because this picture looks nothing less than iconic. Now, we have no idea how they managed to make it look so incredible, but we're guessing that a combination of light, the sky, and angle had something to do with it. While the left part of the photo shows a cloudy sky, tall buildings, and gloomy scenery, the right side was the polar opposite.
On the right, we get to see a beautiful blue sky, perfectly placed boats, and a strange calmness that literally makes us want to be there right now.
These Poles Look Like Some Sort Of Amateur Video Game Render
Believe it or not, but this is is not some sort of terribly photoshopped picture or an unfinished amateur video game render. This photo shows four real yellow poles from somewhere in Hawaii, and there is a very interesting explanation as to why they look this way. This is a result of a semi-annual phenomenon called Lāhainā Noon, which happens only in Hawaii. The tropical solar phenomenon occurs when the sun somehow culminates at the zenith at solar noon, allowing it to pass directly overhead.
This term was invented by Hawaii's Bishop Museum and is widely known by Hawaiian citizens as a rare but memorable occurrence.
What Kind of Class Is This?
While in the other pictures in this article it may be a little bit easier to identify the glitch, in this one here, it could take a few seconds until to see it. Because really, the sight of something so unusual may take the brain a few seconds to process. Now, we don't have much information about where this class is or what the subject was, but we do know that this place is really popular among fair-haired women.
Either this was just the biggest demographics here, or this was a class about straight light hair because it's virtually impossible to tell these women apart.
How Is This Boat Flying?
After one look at this picture, one may start wondering "how on earth is this possible?" Well, it's safe to say that by now we've learned that impossible things are possible, and many of them actually have a plausible explanation behind them. So, this flying boat is obviously not a flying boat, but a very cool picture taken from the perfect angle at the right moment. As a matter of fact, when this Reddit user shared this picture, another person commented that what we're looking at is a superior mirage.

This phenomenon can apparently happen when the weather conditions are very cold. Due to the fact that cold air is much denser than warm air, the blend of both results in light being shifted in the eyes of someone who is located either on the ground or the coast.
This Young Man Who Saw Himself In The Future
It’s already mind-blowing to go somewhere and bump into someone who looks exactly like us. So just imagine running into someone that doesn’t only look almost exactly the same as us, but is also wearing the same outfit! That’s exactly what happened to this person’s little brother. When they arrived at their local vaccination center, something caught their attention right away. Someone in there was wearing a t-shirt of the exact same color as the boy, in addition to the shorts and even the black shoes.
Of course, they couldn’t help but approach the person, but quickly realized that they were just a stranger that looked like them in the future. Freaky!
This Tree Seems to Have Malfunctioned
Who said that we'd only find life glitches amongst people in here? Clearly, unexplainable mishaps may happen to anyone and anything, including the tree pictured in this photo. There are a few things that we can clearly see in this picture. A majestic dry tree in the middle of the parking lot and its shadow on the wall. Surprisingly though, the shadow came with a little bit of spice, as it seems like there is more than one shadow in it.
While the dry tree's shadow is definitely there, the green painting on the wall makes it seem like there is also a shadow of an inexistent tree.
When The Entire Neighborhood Shops At the Same Place
This must be the result of a really good sale at the local childerns' clothes store. This parent took their kid to the playground one day, and they literally couldn't believe what they were seeing. Every single kid on the playground was wearing an Eddie Bauer puffer jacket obviously bought as Costco, with their kid being the one exception. Two of them are even wearing the same bike helmet.
Funny enough, their kid also owns a jacket just like that. He just didn't want to wear it that day. Maybe he wanted to stand out!
This Santa Convention Is The Real Deal
This photo certainly makes some of us miss the holiday season! Who would have thought that there were so many Santas out there and that they hang out at an annual Santa Convention together? This dad apparently dedicates his time during the holiday season to dress up as Santa and to make children's and adults' days more special. And clearly, he is not alone. Have you ever seen so many Santas in one place?
This person's dad decided to send a sneak peek into what breakfast at the Santa Convention looks like, and the entire thing is simply precious!
Granny Randomly Meets Her Nemesis
This granny was probably just taking a random stroll around town when she bumped into something she wasn't expecting. All of a sudden, she looked left and found another identical granny right next to her. Not only that, but they were also both wearing the same dress, and the same color of shoes, which made things even creepier for both. The chances are small, but this apparently was their lucky day.
But while one of them seems to have reacted quite well, the one with the cane does not seem so impressed. In fact, one would even say that the cane looks like it's about to be used on the other granny.
These Tattoo And Shirt Twinsies
Now, there are many possible explanations for this coincidence. Maybe these two people both work at the zoo, or studied herpetology, the study of amphibians. Maybe they're a couple or two close friends and this is one of their inside jokes. Maybe they went to the same school and this was their school mascot, which they still think of fondly from time to time. Or maybe they just both really like lizards.
Of course, there is also the possibility that this guy has no idea he is wearing a lizard on this shirt, and this was just the first thing they found in their closet that day. Either way, it's all very incredible to look at.
This Guy Met His Doppelgangers At Work
While some people bump into their doppelgangers randomly on the street, or at a specific event, others find they are much closer than they could have ever imagined. On a regular day, these two guys just went to work as they usually do, they put on their work clothes and their name tags and were ready to tackle the day. But suddenly, they bumped into one another and probably needed a second to digest what they were seeing.
Just like that, they met a person who looked exactly like them. Since they work in the same place, they might as well become friends.
Seriously, this group of people could have sat anywhere else, but somehow, they chose to sit behind one another, creating this rare sight. And we bet that each of them didn't even notice. They seem to be the only bald men in the room, too, which makes this picture even more remarkable. They all share a similar complexion, too. We can't help but wonder if their faces are also similar.
And cool thing is that we can spot at least a few empty chairs in the picture, but we're guessing that the bald energy must have inspired them all to sit close.
This Guy Found His Uber Driver Twin
When this guy called an Uber, he didn't think much of the person driving the car. But as the ride went on, he noticed something really strange. He was wearing a blue outfit with a brown belt and loafers, and the uber driver wearing something quite similar, too. He then started to notice that their hair was also quite similar to his. A nearly identical pair of glasses just made things even creepier.
So he simply had to ask the driver to pose with him for a picture outside. Now he knows what he'd look like with a mustache!
That's Quite an Unusual Ensemble
This is just another one of those cases that seem quite impossible, but somehow they happened in real life. One thing is to match t-shirts with someone, that seems like something that can happen to any of us any day. But another thing is to match a t-shirt, pants, and probably also the shoes all in one day. And of course, in this case, it's not just the outfits matching 100%. It is also the two women looking like one another.
We can only imagine the confusion that the people on the counter of this food place will experience once they realize that the same woman is making a food order from them.
They Literally Look Like the Same Person
Some of the doppelganger situations in this article truly make us believe that people should probably investigate a little bit about their birth background. Now, we are most definitely not saying that their parents lied to them, but something has to be fishy about looking so similar to someone without being related to them in any way. Take a look at these two for example. They were hanging out with their friends at a local club for a concert when the same t-shirt pattern caught their attention.
But then, they realized that it wasn't only the t-shirt that looked the same, it was also their hair, their faces, their beards, and even their mannerisms.
Underwater Observatory or Part of the Truman Show?
Now, talk about something that looks completely unreal! You might have to look back a few times at this picture until you realize that this is not an optic illusion, it actually is a place that exists, and any of us can visit it. This incredible place shows the entrance to Switzerland's underwater observatory in Lake Zug. This father and son are in the midst of entering the underwater world that is probably even more astonishing than the photo itself.
If you've watched The Truman Show, then this might actually remind you of it, since so much of the meaning and resemblance in it relate to the iconic film.
Someone Caught This Glitch In The Sky
There is something so satisfying about looking at this picture, it simply looks as unique as it gets. Clouds are just one of those things that have the power to mesmerize anyone, be it because of their interesting shapes, or due to little glitches such as this one. Somehow, the entire sky managed to be completely covered by this huge cloud in the most consistent way, except for a little part.
Because of the consistency of the rest of the sky, the little blue square stands out and makes us wonder what could have caused that little hole to not be filled like the rest of the sky.
Careful, Incoming Invisible Car
Okay, this just looks like it was taken straight off a sci-fi movie, in which someone managed to transform this car into an invisible machine, along with the driver themselves. But no folks, this was not taken from any movie, it is yet another explainable situation that looks like something out of this world. The picture was taken after a car crash occurred, resulting in this car bumper being disconnected from the car.
But due to the angle and the precise position of the car bumper on the road, one could easily believe that there's an entire car hiding in another dimension that none of us can identify.
What Kind of Sorcery Is This
We're going to be completely honest with this one, no matter how much we stare at it, some of our brain cells will still fail to understand this picture. We may look at every single side of this building, and find it impossible to understand how exactly it's possible that this is not a gigantic mirror, and instead, it's a very cool building disguised as something else. Of course, this car passenger could not ignore how unusual this was for their sight, so they had to snap a picture of the unique building.
Now, we have no idea where it's located, but we can only imagine how mindblowing it must be to see it live.
Eastern Colorado Looks Like An Optical Illusion
Could this simply be the close-up of a huge wooden surface? It could, but it's not. This astonishing image shows us a huge portion of Eastern Colorado's flat farmland, covered in melted patches of snow. The snow was blown by the wind for a while, being spread so evenly that this memorable 3D illusion was created. What is so fun about this picture is that it could be interpreted in a thousand ways by different people, and as far as we're concerned, any theory could be real.
In fact, even though we know exactly what we're looking at, it may be incredibly difficult for some to see something other than a 3D illusion.
There's a Glitch in the Sky
This person either knew exactly what they were doing when they took this picture, or they simply did not realize that part of the sky had low resolution and the rest didn't. Somehow, we're able to see several versions of this sky in one picture, showing us just how immensely wonderful and infinite the sky is. The first part of the picture shows us broken clouds that couldn't be more perfectly imperfect.
Then, we get to see a different version of these clouds, which are not broken up at all and seem to consistently cover a whole portion of the sky. And then we finally get to the blue sky hidden in the middle of two huge white clouds.
Floating Ice That Simply Makes No Sense
Yet another incredible natural phenomenon resulted in a picture that looks like a completely unreal situation. As a matter of fact, if we didn't know that this is the result of natural phenomena already, we could have thought that these are just giant trees that grew so high they reached the clouds. But no, folks, we are not looking at clouds in this picture, this is simply ice!
The rare sight was actually the result of a very harsh flood that reached all the way to the middle of the trees. The cold weather contributed to the thin ice parts remaining in one part of the tree, creating this unforgettable illusion.
Grass And Brick Combo Looks Like A Video Game
There is no doubt that the world is flooded with incredible places, and this green ensemble located on Chausseestraße is certainly one of them. Chausseestraße is located in between the former border between East and West Berlin and was created by Eike Becker_Architekten. This design was built with the 19th-century idea of the Berlin Hofgärten in mind, but with a little modern flavor added to it.
As a result, this spacious and perfectly designed garden complements the urban bricks making it seem like we're literally looking at the scenery within a video game. We can only imagine what the entire area around looks like, including the modern buildings from the area.
Hold on to Your Seat
It's incredible to see that something as simple as a pattern or a design can create a completely unusual situation, that our brains can barely process. Again, this one may take some people a quick second to decipher what they're looking at, while for others it may take a few extra seconds and even minutes to realize that this floor is not actually falling, it's just uniquely designed by a talented person.
This illusion was created by the pattern added to the floor of this space, and we're guessing that whoever did it wanted the mirage to take place. We only wonder if this optical illusion is as real in person as it is in this picture.
Schonbrunn Park Trees Look Almost Transparent
Now, this picture could get very different interpretations from readers. While one person may take a look at it and imagine the scenery of a horror movie, other people may look at these majestic trees and think of something simply stunning. These trees can be found in Schonbrunn Park, after being sculptured by a very talented group of people. The trees belong to a cultural world heritage site that attracts tourists from all over the world.
The place also serves as an unusual recreational area for residents of Vienna, Austria, who love going on walks or runs in the field. While this picture gives us a good glimpse of the site, it simply does not compare to seeing it live.
A Picture Of A Cold Front Taken From A Plane
Here's the deal, we all probably learned about cold fronts at some point in our lives, but some of us may not remember what exactly they are or what they look like. If that's the case, then this picture is probably the best refresher you're ever going to get. The photo, taken from a window of this plane, shows us exactly what a cold front looks like from that height.
Generally, a cold front occurs when large masses of cold air and warm air meet, and instead of meeting one another, they separate into two different masses due to their density differences. The expression "front" was coined during World War I, by meteorologists who referred to this separation as a "front," as an analogy to a battle line.
This Church Blends Perfectly Into The Blue Sky
It's not every day that we get to see an iconic church completely blend into a blue sky background such as this one, so we might want to take it all in. The small blue church is called Iglesia la Rocleta and is located in Santiago de Chile. The resemblance with A Small World from Disney is simply uncanny, so we cannot ignore the magical aura around it, and probably also inside of it.

In 1973, the church was declared as a National Monument, and tourists and locals alike love taking walks and visiting both the outside and inside of the magical church. So if you're ever planning to visit Santiago de Chile, then visiting this national monument is a must.
This Fence Simply Doesn't Look Real
Whoever built this fence was definitely on to something, because this "plant" wall looks both real and unreal at the same time. We'd think that that's not something that's necessarily possible, but by the looks of it, it not only is possible as it is incredibly cool to look at. We don't really know where this is located, but we can imagine the number of people who pass by it wondering what they're looking at.
One could say it looks exactly like what it is, a painted green wall behind a fence, or to some, it could look like the playable area of a very unusual game.