This article was originally published on RushExperts
A Strange Way To Increase The Range Of A Fob Key
Although this may seem like a trick, this hack actually works. Many cars today use keyless fobs, but they only work from a certain range. Next time you try to unlock your car, but you are out of reach, place the fob on your chin, and try again.

It might seem like it won't work, but somehow your chin increases the key range. Apparently, brain waves can extend the reach, but we can't say if that is scientifically proven or not. It won't hurt to try, and it might actually work.
Check Your Tires With A Penny
Checking your tires is an essential part of maintaining your car. They wear down over time, and you have to know when to get new ones. The penny test will help you determine whether you need new tires or not.

Tire condition is measured by the depth of its thread. Therefore, when you take a penny and put Lincoln's head facing down, the amount of tire covering his head will determine if you need new ones. If nothing is covering his head, it is time to get new tires.
Pull Out Dents With This Bathroom Tool
It is easy to mess up your car every once in a while. Dents, scratches, and knicks happen in the wear and tear process. If you do have a dent in your car and don't want to take it to the auto shop, look no further than your bathroom.

Grab the plunger from your bathroom and stick it onto the center of the dent. Pull as hard as you can until the dent is evened out. You can repeat the process until you are satisfied with the quick repair. It is a cheaper way to keep your car looking nice.
Don't Forget To Unfreeze The Key Hole
If you live in a place where the winters are freezing, then you will understand the struggles of defrosting the car in the morning. When the temperatures drop, your car can freeze, including the keyhole. This will make your morning te times worse if you don't know how to fix it.

All you need is some hand sanitizer, which we all have right now. Then, you put as much sanitizer into the lock as possible and the alcohol with heat up the ice and unfreeze it. When you need to get into your car quickly, you don't have time to wait around for it to melt naturally.
Say Goodbye To Foggy Headlights
Foggy headlights are rather dangerous because they can impact the quality of your lights at night. If your lights are too foggy, it can cause accidents, and it will be dangerous for other people on the road.
While you could pay to get them fixed, you might as well save some money. Take toothpaste and rub it all over the headlights. Let it sit for a minute or two before rubbing it off with a clean cloth. You can repeat this until the fog is lifted.
Never Get Locked Out Of Your Car Again
Today, most new vehicles have electric locks that do not rely on keys. This comes with many pros and cons, but what do you do when it stops working? Even cars that don't require a key have a manual lock in case of emergencies.

If your electric key fails you, look for a small plastic piece on the edge of the door handle. If you remove this piece, you will find a manual lock underneath. In an emergency, this will be a lifesaver to help you get into the car.
Keep Your Wipers Warm And Cozy
If you live in a colder climate, you have probably experienced your windshield wipers freezing under piles of snow. Not only does this make winter days difficult, but over time, this can ruin your wipers and cost you more money in the long run.

Luckily, there is an easy fix to protect your wipers from freezing and getting damaged. Take a pair of long socks and put them over the wipers to prevent them from freezing on harsh winter nights. You can also do this with mirrors, so they don't freeze either.
Which Side Is Your Gas Tank On?
If you have ever gotten in someone's car that you weren't familiar with, it is confusing to figure out where the gas tank is. It is quite embarrassing to pull up the wrong side of the gas pump and have to get back into your car to move it.

Luckily, there is an easy way to know without getting out of the car. When you look at the gas gauge, next to the pump's picture is a little arrow. This will show you which side the tank is on, so you know where it is located in any car you drive.
The Speed Limits Are There For A Reason
When people are late, they throw caution to the wind and put the pedal to the metal. Most people go over the speed limit because they believe that will get them to their destination faster; however, this is actually causing more harm than good because you are wearing down your brakes when you stop at every stoplight.

While everyone might hate this fact, speed limits are designed to help drivers hit every green light. If you try sticking to the speed limit, you will see that you stop at fewer red lights and get to your destination on time. It might be hard to practice this control, but try it once and see if it works.
Never Have A Messy Car Again
Have you ever gotten into your car and realized there was trash everywhere? It happens to everyone because you use something while out and about and forget to throw it away once you get out of the car. However, there is a simple household item that will help you keep your car trash-free.

This is something you can find at any dollar store or in your own pantry. Take a cereal container and put a plastic bag in it. Now you have an improvised trash can that doesn't take up much space while keeping your car tidy. You never have to worry about remembering to take ten pieces of garbage out of the car again.
Freshen Up The Dingy Car Smell
Every once in a while, the car tends to get a little smelly. Between kids, dogs, and people getting in and out of the car, the smell is not always the freshest. This simple hack will have your car smelling fresher without spending tons of money on air fresheners.

Head to your laundry room or nearest grocery store and pick up a box of dryer sheets. Put one under each seat, and they will neutralize any smell or odor stinking up the car. Combine this with a daily air-out of the vehicle, and you will never have to worry about some stinky smell.
"Where Did I Park My Car?"
Have you ever forgotten where you parked your car in a large lot? Nothing is worse than aimlessly walking around a parking structure, wondering why twelve vehicles look the same as yours and why your car is suddenly impossible to find. We have all been there before, and we understand the frustration.

There are many ways to remember where you parked your car. First, you can take a picture of the area and the floor number in a garage. If it is an outside lot, you can drop a pin on your maps and mark it as "parked car" to locate the vehicle when you return.
Keep the Car Cool On Hot Summer Days
Nothing is worse than getting into a boiling hot car on a scorching summer day. Most people assume that rolling down all four windows will quickly cool off the car, but that doesn't actually help. The air travels straight through without circulating any cool air.

Instead of making this common mistake, only roll down the first two windows because it will force the air to circulate through the car. This will help keep the car cooler while the air conditioning is off. It won't make the vehicle an icebox, but it will be more comfortable than keeping the windows up.
Get Rid Of Excess Moisture
Trying to drive with foggy windows is not only impossible, but it is also incredibly dangerous. Every car gets condensation on the windshield because of exterior elements, but there is a way to solve this issue and help you drive safer.
To get rid of condensation quickly, take dry rice in an old t-shirt or cloth pouch, and place the bag on the dashboard. It will absorb the excess moisture and keep the windows from fogging up. You can dry the rice out by throwing it in the microwave every once in a while.
Save Money On Fancy Interior Wipes
While most people only see the outside of your car, it is good to keep the interior just as clean for your personal happiness. However, you don't have to spend extra money on special car wipes or cleaning supplies. A basic household item will keep the inside of your vehicle spotless.

Coffee filters are a great replacement for car wipes. Not only can you buy hundreds of them for a few dollars, but they are also just as efficient as expensive products. Use them to wipe surfaces in your car to remove dust and dirt.
The Pesky Key Ring Will Never Bother You Again
It's safe to say that the most difficult thing to open is a key ring. When you try to add new keys or tags, it is nearly impossible without hurting your nails, but this hack will save your nails and make adding keys easier.

Use a stapler remover to hold the metal pieces apart while you add a new key. This will save your fingers and nails from pain, and it will keep your keys organized. Just remember not to stretch the ring too much because your keys will fall off.
Remove Your Bumper Sticker Regrets
For whatever reason, people put bumper stickers on their cars but fail to remember how difficult they are to remove. Stickers leave marks and sticky residue, so it is best to avoid putting them on your vehicle in the first place, but we have a simple way to remove them if you do put them on.

If you have stickers on your car that you want to remove, heat them up with a hairdryer until they easily peel off. Don't mess up the paint or the aesthetic of your vehicle by picking at the stickers.
Keep The Cup Holders Dirt And Crumb-Free
While cup holders are one of the most necessary features inside a car, they get dirty and messy quickly. Instead of dragging a vacuum out to your car every week, use cupcake wrappers to catch the debris and crumbs.

These are much easier to replace instead of vacuuming your car all the time. Your vehicle will stay clean for much longer as long as you remember to replace them every once in a while. Try this, and thank us later when your car is spotless.
The Seat Warmers Are Good For More Than One Thing
Despite what most people think, seat warmers can be used year-round to keep things besides people warm. If you are stuck in traffic with a pizza or fast food, don't let it get cold and ruined. Instead, use this useful feature.

Put the food on the seat and turn the seat warmer all the way up. This will keep your food warm and fresh, no matter how long you are in the car. Make sure the food is secured with a seatbelt to give it extra protection. This will make you the best delivery person in town.
Save Yourself The Headache Of Finding The Garage Opener
Have you ever lost the remote control to your garage? Just as you are pulling into the driveway, you realize the clicker is nowhere to be found, and you have to get out of the car to open the door manually. It's a hassle, and then you usually see the remote under your seat once you get out.

Today many cars have a remote control built into the rearview mirror to control your garage, so you have to set it up. If your vehicle doesn't have this, you can connect the remote to the inside of your door with a professional's help.
Nail Polish Isn't Just For Your Nails
Let's be honest; we have all scratched our cars before. Even if it is just a tiny knick, you aren't going to repaint the entire vehicle only to cover one small spit. No matter how careful you are, scratches are part of a vehicle's everyday wear and tear.

Luckily, if you are in a pinch, you can cover up small scratches with nail polish. Not only is there a wide range of colors to match your car, but it is also easy to smoothly cover things up. If you are prone to scratches, keep a bottle in your car for on-the-go use.
Stop Hitting The Back Wall Of The Garage
While most people aren't driving through their homes every day, if you park in a garage, you might've bumped your car into the wall. This can lead to damage, scratches, and something as simple as a tennis ball can solve your problem.

First, you need to measure the distance between the wall and your windshield. Then, tie a tennis ball to a string from the ceiling, so it touches the windshield when you are the perfect distance. This will stop you from parking too close to the wall and prevent future damage.
Don't Dent Your Door On The Garage
Although pool noodles are the most useless pool toy, they can help many things outside of the pool. Pool noodles can protect your car door from hitting the garage wall and save you from excessive scratches and unwanted repairs.

If you have limited space between your car door and the wall, this will help you. Cut the noodle in half and glue it to the wall to act as a bumper between the door and the wall. You can get pool noodles for less than a dollar, so it's a cheap and straightforward fix.
Quickly Melt Ice With This Mixture
There are plenty of things that make people not want to drive during cold winter days, and icy windshields are at the top of the list. When you are rushing to get to work, you probably don't have time to wait for the car to heat up and the ice to melt.

To make your life easier, mix vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray it all over the frozen windshield. Give it a minute to dissolve, and the ice will melt before your eyes. Wipe it off the water, and you are ready to head out.
Secret Hidden Features
Most cars that are purchased don't come with an introductory class showing everything there is to know about the car, all the new safety systems, or even how to work the often complicated multimedia center. This is especially true for cars that are purchased second hand, where the previous owner may not have even been aware of everything. Therefore, it's always advisable to do a complete check of the entire car, top to bottom, just in case you missed something.
Take for instance this luxury car with an umbrella built into a secret compartment within the passenger door. How would anyone guess to look there? It's unlikely we'd be inspecting door panels for secret accessories, but now we might just start.
Keep Your Tires Shining
If you look at the bottom of your shoes, you wouldn't expect them to stay clean would you? Even around the sole, you'd have to wipe them down daily to keep them looking fresh. Same with our car tires - They get dirty and worn-out looking faster than any other part of the car. So a trick to keep them shining bright is more than welcome, especially when it's not only cheap but probably something you have anyway.
The secret trick? Coca Cola. Pour some Coke on a cloth and rub down those tires for a showroom-ready shine. This little hack also works on other plastic parts of your vehicle. A perfect excuse to stock that fridge!
Have Fun While Cleaning Your Car Interior
Slime has become quite popular over the years, but it is usually used for children to play with. However, there is a much better use for this gooey creation, like cleaning the hard to reach cracks inside your car. It is practical and fun!

You can either find premade slime at an auto shop or dealership, or you can make your own with plenty of recipes online. This goo can be used to remove dust and dirt from vents and difficult to reach places. It is also reusable once you wash it off.
Use The Sun To Your Advantage
If you don't want to run the heat in your car and you don't have vinegar in the house, use the sun to your advantage. Battle ice the natural way instead of freezing and wasting time on this tedious task.

When it is freezing outside, park your car in a sunny spot so the ice will melt naturally by the time you go to your vehicle. If the sun is not strong enough when you are leaving for work, you might have to try our other ice melting hacks.
Get More Gas For Your Money
No one likes pumping their gas, but it's not an option unless you are from New Jersey. People try to get in and out of the gas station as quickly as possible because they are in a hurry or don't want to spend time at the pump.

If you want to get more gas for your money, let the tank fill up slowly, not to get extra air inside. When you hold the pump at 50 percent instead of squeezing it all the way, you are getting more than you usually would.
Get The Hot Air Out Of Your Car Fast
Like we said before, getting into a hot car feels like you are walking into the depths of the fiery underworld. When your car has been sitting in the sun all day, it is unbearable to start driving right away even if you are in a hurry.

If your car feels like an oven, roll down the passenger window while you open and close the driver's door. This quickly forces hot air out of the car and cools it down faster than waiting for the air conditioning to kick in. It will make your summer days so much more bearable.
Improvise A Cellphone Holder In A Pinch
When you are driving, you shouldn't be looking at your phone; however, there are times when you need it for directions. Many people use dashboard holders, but you can make a cheap DIY version if you don't have one.

To secure your phone, take a rubber band and string it through the air vent. Put your phone through the loops, and this will hold your phone in place in a pinch. While it's not a long-term solution, it can help for the moment.
Get Rid Of Car Dents Quickly
If you tried to fix the dent in your car with our previous hack, and it didn't work, here is another way to fix your problem. You will still need the plunger, but you will also need a pot of boiling water. This will make the original plunger trick much more manageable.

Once you stick the plunger to the middle of the dent, start pouring the hot water over the area. As the heat expands the metal, it will be much easier to pull out the dent. This is best used for smaller and less significant damages.
Shoes Can Double As Extra Cup Holders
As cars start to become more sleek and futuristic on the inside, it seems that companies are taking away cup holders. Today, people barely have one or two cup holders, which is not enough if you have a family or a thirsty person with multiple drinks.

It might not be the most aesthetically pleasing hack, but using a shoe as a cup holder will help in a pinch. If you are taking a sharp turn or stop short, the shoes won't protect your drink, but it works well for flat straight roads.
Keep Your Dashboard Bright And Shiny
Besides its cooking uses, olive oil has so many purposes, like keeping your hair and skin soft. Not only can you use olive oil as a beauty tool, but it can also help keep the interior of your car shiny and new.

Take some olive oil on one of those coffee filters we suggested earlier, and use it to polish the dashboard. It picks up all the dust and leaves your car looking like it just came out of the factory. People will wonder when you got a brand new car.
Don't Forget To Freshen Up Your Windshield Wipers
Most car owners remember to do the necessary upkeep on their vehicles, like changing the oil and cleaning the interior and exterior. However, most people forget something that will help the visibility of the windshield in the longterm.

Next time you are cleaning the outside of your car, remember to give the windshield wipers some extra care. Use a rag and glass cleaner to wipe them off or replace them if it is needed. This will help your visibility and the cleanliness of the windshield.
Makeshift Car Freshener
If you want a good car freshener that doesn't lose its scent within a few days, it can be costly. Although it will take up one of your available cup holders, this simple DIY hack will keep your car smelling fresh for weeks.

All you need is an empty mason jar and scented candle wax. Poke holes in the lid of the jar, and put the wax inside. Whenever your car heats up, the wax will start to melt and release the scent of your choice. You can change it with the season so that the smell matches your vibe year-round.
Paper Towel Holder For Emergencies
If you are a messy or clumsy person like us, we could not recommend this more. If you spill something or there is some dirt in the car, you usually don't have paper towels because they take up too much space in the car.

However, there is a simple way to always be prepared. You can attach a roll of paper towels to the inside of your trunk with a bungee cord. Now you will have paper towels whenever you need them, and the roll won't get in the way or get smashed.
Never Lose Things Between Your Seats Again
Like we said earlier, there are plenty of uses for pool noodles that don't involve a pool. We have all been in this position before where we drop something between the seats, and our hands are too big to fit. They really should close the gap, but since it's there, here is how to prevent your things from falling.

Take a pool noodle and cut it to seal the gap between your seats. You will never fear that your phone, keys, jewelry, or some change are lost forever. Prevent the inevitable from happening with this easy fix.
Keep Your Groceries From Spilling In The Back Seat
When you do a large grocery shop, you might run out of space in your trunk, and then you have to pile things in your back seat. However, what if your backseat is already full? Well, like most things, we have a solution for you.

Place a hook under the headrest of the front seat so you can hang your grocery bags. Now your food won't fly all over the place as you drive, and you never have to worry about cracked eggs or spilled milk.
Get Extra Storage Space In Your Tiny Car
These days, when you get a small car, you are most likely giving up the necessary storage space. Between the things you keep in your vehicle at all times and going on shopping trips, there is never enough room for everything to fit comfortably.

If you are looking to extend your storage space, take a mesh net and some bungee cord to free up trunk space. You can secure the net to all four hand-holders and use the ceiling space for small, light items that won't block your view.
Keep All Your Belongings Organized
When you carry around many small items in your car, things can quickly get unorganized. There is a better way to organize your belongings instead of throwing them in the back seat. All you need is a shoe organizer that is sold at most stores.

Place the organizer on the back of the seats, and each pocket can be used for a different item. You will never struggle to find what you are looking for again because everything will be visible and organized.
Keep Your Trunk Clean And Organized
When people are in a rush, they aimlessly throw things into the trunk, and the mess piles up quickly. However, there is an easy and cheap way to keep your trunk organized with nothing but two laundry baskets.

Instead of a messy pile, you can tidy up the trunk by keeping things in the baskets, providing more storage space. With some creative thinking, you can also create a shelf system with the baskets for even more storage space.
Survive The Winter Driving Season
Driving on icy or snowy roads in the winter can be quite scary. When there isn't enough traction between your tires and the icy roads, it will be a struggle to drive safely. There is a better way to keep yourself safe during the long winter months.

The first way to make your car safer is to add more weight to the back tires. You can use sand or salt bags to weigh the back of the car down. Although, this only helps if you have rear-wheel drive. If you have front-wheel drive, add the bags to the floor of your passenger seat.